A Safer West Main Street:
The Kalamazoo Ave redesign project being undertaken by the City of Kalamazoo is in the planning and design phase right now, with construction slated for next year. The preliminary redesign for the bottom of W. Main Hill by Douglas and K. College has caused concerns among neighbors about the long-term design of W. Main. The main issue is that MDOT controls most of the street right of way, so city staff must conform their plans to what MDOT's design is further up the hill, even though they would prefer a safer configuration.
With the help of some neighbors from Stuart and W. Main Hill, a group gathered stories and data around the current design of W. Main and found it is quite unsafe in its current form, burdens residents and businesses, and that it doesn't need to be this way.
They have it on good authority that MDOT is willing to entertain a safer design for W. Main, but is not likely to do so unless some of the public entities come together to voice approval for this change. Neighborhood leaders around W. Main say that they believe a vast majority of residents would prefer a safer configuration.
So, the group has written a petition to encourage MDOT to work with the local municipalities to redesign W. Main, so when construction work starts next year, the configuration of the road can change along all of W. Main (from Douglas to Solon/Kendall) and make it safer for everyone with minimal impact to traffic flow. They already have secured endorsements from Kalamazoo County commissioners, Kalamazoo City commissioners, and some local organizations/businesses.
The petition lists the number of crashes we’ve seen grow in number and a comparison to Oakland Drive.
The petition also sights the three-lane concept of an east, west and a left turn lane all the way from the foot of Main Street hill to Solon/Kendall, but it opens the discussion about ways to make the street safer for all users.
Our ask: We are requesting that you review the below petition and consider signing it so MDOT will see the concern the neighborhood has for safety on West Main Street.
We don't want to miss our narrow window of opportunity to coordinate with the construction work already happening next year at the bottom of the hill.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ron Huster
We need to do our part - See Something, Say Something. The police can't be everywhere, all the time so we need to help.
If someone visits your home or contacts you via phone or internet, make sure you really know who they are! Phone and internet scams have been widespread for years because PEOPLE FALL FOR THEM!
NEVER GIVE OUT PERSONAL INFORMATION without being 100% sure you know who you're giving it to.
If you suspect fraud, contact your local police department.
If you see activity like this in your area, you might want to check for a boil water advisory for your street!
Westwood is part City and part Township so here is our latest version of a complete neighborhood map
Westwood is a great place to live, work and worship. We are a great community with neighbors who care about each other.
The neighborhood association would like to know what skills and interests each of you have so that we can connect you with events and no - obligation service opportunities as they come along.
Please fill out the following form to let us know more about you!
Not all the residents of Westwood are 100% self-sufficient. Some have un-met needs - maybe as simple as a ride to a doctor appointment of to pick-up groceries or prescriptions. There are agencies to help or maybe a neighbor might want to assist?
Look around your neighborhood.
Some neighbors are not aware that burning leaves, trash or garbage is against the law in Westwood. The city and township have similar ordinances against open burning and trash barrel burning.
Do you still have neighbors breaking the law? If you can furnish some information, we can see that they receive notice of the ordinance, without involving the governing agencies - unless it continues.
Tell your neighbors about Westwood Neighborhood Association! They might be interested in the neighborhood, too!
You can easily report defective or not working street lights. We have a link to the reporting site where you can report the exact location:
Code Enforcement 269-381-8080 ext 137 This includes weeds & tall grass, fireworks, outside burning and sidewalk issues.
Tall grass & weeds - 269-337-8847
For other Code Enforcement: 269-337-8221.
Westwood Neighborhood Association
PO Box 19681 Kalamazoo, MI 49019 - 0681