
As we have done for the past nine years, we will be publishing a map of all the registered garage sales to aid shoppers (Last year about 130 were listed}
Put your sale "on the map" by signing up today.
Three pick ups of leaves in kraft paper bags and brush occurs in May, Nov, & Dec for all 1-4-unit housing structures. Place leaves in kraft paper yard waste bags. Place brush in paper yard waste bags or bundled/tied brush no more than 2" in diameter and 4’ in length.
Seasonal leaf and brush pick up is scheduled in 2025 for:
East of Nichols would be on Wednesday and West, Thursday.
The City of Kalamazoo offers a monthly brush collection program for City residents from May through October every year. Westwood is on the first Monday of the month (bulk Trash and brush are collected on the same day of the month, however bulk trash is collected only in the months of March, June, September, and December).
Please use the following guidelines when putting brush out for collection:
Please note that leaves are not accepted as part of the monthly brush program. Leaf pickup is offered every fall between October and December, and leaves are also accepted as part of the special April Spring Clean Up. For questions about the brush collection program or to report a missed pick up, please call (269) 337-8215. You can also report missed pick ups and receive notices regarding this and other services by downloading the Recycle Coach app on your mobile device.
Bulk Trash pickups for 2025 are scheduled during the weeks of APRIL 7-11, JULY 7-11, November 10-14. East of Nichols is Wednesday and West,Thursday would be your pick up date. Limit at each pick up, approximately 3.5 cubic yards. If you think your address was missed please call the township within 24 hours of your pick-up day.
If you have a mattress infested with bed bugs, write “Bed Bugs” on the mattress and enclose it in a strong plastic bag or it will not be picked up.
Regulations for Bulk Trash Pick Up
The City of Kalamazoo offers a quarterly collection of bulk trash to City residents (in the months of March, June, September, and December). Westwood's collection would be the first Monday of the month (if you live on a private street, please call (269) 337-8215 for further details). If your collection day falls on Independence Day, Christmas, or Labor Day, your pickup and all remaining pickups in that week will be delayed one day (in this case Friday collection will occur on Saturday).
Place items intended for collection at or near the curb lawn no earlier than 6:00 a.m. on the day before the scheduled pick up, and no later than 7:00 a.m. the day of the scheduled pick up. Please note: All items not picked up, for any reason, must be removed from the curb lawn within two days following the completion of the regularly scheduled pick up for the area. If items are placed at the curb lawn too soon, or left out on the curb lawn on days other than those allowed for bulk trash collection, the City may take immediate enforcement action, without notice, and bill the associated costs to the property owner.
To report a missed bulk trash collection, please call (269) 337-8215 within two business days of the scheduled collection. A clause in the bulk trash contract requires the contractor to collect all reported misses of eligible materials within 48 hours of notice by the City. Again, trash that has been allowed to remain on the curb lawn for more than two days after the scheduled collection (and not reported as missed) is considered to be a public nuisance and could be subject to corrective action.
Up to 7.5 cubic yards of bulk trash material (household junk and debris) will be accepted from each residential property each quarter. Small quantities of carpet will be collected only if cut to sections no larger than 4' x 4' and rolled.
More than 7.5 cubic yards of household junk and debris; regular household trash, food, small items that could be put in household trash carts, human waste, yard waste, dead animals, tires, large auto parts, rocks, sand, glass, concrete, remodeling/renovation materials, infested items posing a risk to workers (see paragraph below), nor any materials placed in opaque/non-transparent plastic bags. Due to potential health risks, items placed in opaque/non-transparent plastic bags will not be accepted. Smaller bulk items must be placed in open boxes or clear plastic bags.
The weather threatened us with rain a couple of hours before but we had a great and lively evening at Frays Park with 4-500 people at the party.
Local agencies handed out and shared lots of information on various services while our food vendors were kept busy most of the evening.
The City showed residents what things are available to us now that the City Commission has approved our Westwood Neighborhood plan. We will discuss this at our September Neighborhood Association on September 18th.
Officers from City and Township police got out and played games and spent quality time and energy with our neighborhood youth.
We also had a group of WMU athletes who participated and even did some dancing with the younger generation.
It was a heart-warming sight..
National Night Out began many years ago as an opportunity for police and neighbors to spend quality time together, understanding that we are all people and want peace and safety for all.
However, as data has been collected, the policing agencies have discovered that more people want "Community Policing" where an officer is assigned to the neighborhood, attends meetings and listens to the needs of the community.
Your neighborhood association believes this is a big win for all as things change and sometimes communication is slow or even lacking.
We have great hopes.
National Night Out is always the first Tuesday in August and Frays Park is the only place we have that's big enough.
Planning has already begun as we sign-up in February.
This is all about the Westwood Neighborhood of Kalamazoo Michigan. The simple fact that we are partly in the City and partly in the Township, adds to our uniqueness. As with any larger neighborhood, we are diverse in style of housing and diverse in the people living here. We are strongly residential with some commercial scattered along the busiest streets. Westwood is home to quite a few churches in each section of our community, representing a cross-section of worship opportunities.
Parks and green spaces attract people who just want to get out and enjoy Michigan's diverse seasons.
Explore your neighborhood and enjoy Westwood.
The Westwood Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) organization and meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November. At this time, we are meeting at Westwood United Methodist Church on Nichols Road.
We try to keep them to one hour meetings, but many times there is too much to discuss - and that's why we meet - to discuss what's on our minds.
If you'd like to be emailed the agenda before the meetings, email
Silent Observer encourages members of the community to assist local law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime by overcoming the two key elements that inhibit community involvement: fear and lack of interest.
Silent Observer provides a telephone hotline and web tip page to encourage citizens in the community to volunteer vital information helpful to law enforcement agencies in their crime-fighting efforts. In addition, tips can be submitted through the free app "P3Tips."
Callers can remain anonymous and are eligible to receive a cash reward if the information given leads to an arrest and conviction, or grand jury indictment, of a felony offender.
Silent Observer relies on volunteer Directors and tax deductible contributions from the public in order to operate the administration of the program.
Confusion happens again and again about neighborhood boundaries.
The map posted on the Charter Township of Kalamazoo website, clearly defines those borders, but confusion seems to begin as the fire departments boundaries are not the same.
The Westwood Neighborhood Association is not a closed group and invite others to join in the meetings as most of the needs of Westwood residents are the same as most others.
Welcome to Westwood.
On this page we will try to keep you up to date with groups who are helping others, in Westwood and the entire community
This food pantry is open to residents of the Westwood Neighborhood that are in need of food.
Open 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 10:00am-12:00pm
The Food Pantry is located in the basement of Epworth House 538 Nichols Road on the campus of Westwood United Methodist Church.
For more information: (click here)
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and fund our mission.
Westwood Neighborhood Association
PO Box 19681 Kalamazoo, MI 49019 - 0681